Mayor Nathan Frisch called the June 11, 2020 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:36 PM.

Roll Call: Lynn Love, George Yakoubian, Ed Treft, Louie Sanders, Kirk Stanfield, Tim Bulger
Approval of Warrants:
Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Love to
approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Sanders to approve the
minutes. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: Councilman Stanfield noted that on the minutes, he stated $5 per
1,000 gallons of water, versus the $8.00 per 1,000 gallons of water Greg had stated earlier to make
Resident Richard Daniels was present to inquire about utility bills. He wanted to know if the water cap or
sewer cap amounts would change if the Village went to Rural Water. He was basically concerned
whether bills would be going up or down if the town went to Rural Water. Mayor Frisch advised that we
don’t know any of that information yet. We haven’t even spoken with Rural Water to know our options.
We’re just exploring at this point.

Public Safety: none
Streets & Properties: VA Martin sent in a report in lieu of attending the meeting. He stated painting of
the hydrant area is complete. He also stated that system wide catch basin cleaning is underway. East
and West Tiffin Streets are done. North and South Main Streets are close if not done. DARS blew a hose
about noon. They will be back tomorrow to do side streets.
Councilman Stanfield stated that we had rain recently. The DARNS vacuum truck was out and cleaned
the storm drain in front of his house. He stated that after they cleaned it, there was 3” of standing water
at the catch basin. It wasn’t moving or draining. Mayor Frisch took a moment to explain how catch
basins work as a system. Councilman Yakoubian stated that it may not be until the whole system is
cleaned that we see a difference in Stanfield’s issue. It could also be a crushed tile or plant overgrowth.
Resident Lance Drummond brought in the grate that he bought for the storm drain at his house and
showed Council a picture of how well it worked after the last rain.
Councilman Love expressed that she appreciates the hydrant area painting being completed.

Parks: Councilman Love asked when we last added mulch to the playground area how was it funded.
Mayor Frisch isn’t sure on when but thinks it was funded from the parks fund.
Frisch also read from VA Martin’s report: Since the pool is not open, should we take the time and funds
to expand parking at the ballfield? Councilmen Love and Treft will get together and assess the current
parking and what might need done.

Trees: Councilman Stanfield asked if there was any word on the Buckeye Tree from previous
conversations. Tree Commission Member Lance Drummond stated that he has left messages and has
not been able to get someone to call back yet.

Fire: Councilman Yakoubian reported: had meeting, paid bills.

EMS: Councilman Love reported: had meeting, paid bills.

Cemetery: Councilman Sanders reported: had meeting; paid bills.

Personnel: none

Zoning Commission: none

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $ 1,246,193.58. The May Bank Reconciliation was passed for
review and approval. Gullett also gave a quick review of rough estimates on state/county funds that
come in monthly. Gas tax has been fine, but permissive tax has been about 20% down from 2019
numbers. Local government funding has seen hard hits the last two months. Gullett pulled the numbers
for the total local government funding, which also includes MVL amounts. She wants to dive deeper into
the numbers to see the local government amounts, as they go to the general fund. We need to watch
the trend and plan for the general fund budget for the remainder of 2020.
Gullett also proposed an idea to Council to have minutes and agendas emailed on the Tuesday or
Wednesday prior to the meeting so that they could be reviewed ahead of time and meetings could
begin on time. Nothing was decided, as concerns of no email, no printer and using personal emails for
official business were of concern.

Village Income Tax update: Councilman Yakoubian has invited RITA to present at the June 25
th meeting.
Water & Sewer: Councilman Yakoubian reported that the Water/Sewer Committee will be having two
upcoming meetings to gather information from water companies. On June 18
th at 4pm, at Village Hall,
the committee will meet with Aqua. On June 22
nd at 4pm, at Village Hall, the committee will meet with
NORWA. These are informational meetings but are committee meetings and open to the public.
Councilman Love asked if the committee would be presenting information to Council after the meetings.
Councilman Yakoubian stated that yes, they would. The representatives would also likely be asked to
attend a regular Council meeting at a later date.
Councilman Love asked if any new meters have been installed. Mayor Frisch does not have that
information but did add that Gary has been taking time off in order to use his time, so it hasn’t left a lot
of extra time to get them installed.

Village Website & IT: none

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business: Councilman Treft stated that he had some residents ask
him if there would be another “junk day” where you could put out things to be picked up and hauled off
at the curb. Councilman Yakoubian added he would like to see the cost for it and requested that it be
added to the agenda for the next meeting.
Councilman Yakoubian also stated that he has had complaints from residents about the recycling bins
being full. It was noted that the pickup schedule was different, due to COVID-19 and that they tend to fill
up very quickly.
Councilman Stanfield requested the 2020 Water and Sewer Rate be printed and distributed at the next
meeting. FO Gullett will have it ready.

Councilman Stanfield asked if there had been any progress on the abandoned house and if we could get
the county to hurry up. Mayor Frisch reported nothing seen or heard yet and we can give them a call.

Next meeting: June 25th, 2020 at 7:30PM

Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:27
PM. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.
____________________________________ ______________________________
Mayor Nathan Frisch Fiscal Officer Michelle Gullett