Mayor Nathan Frisch called the January 9, 2020 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:35 PM.

Roll Call: Lynn Love, George Yakoubian, Ed Treft, Louie Sanders, Kirk Stanfield

Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Sanders to approve
the warrants for payment. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Love to approve the
minutes. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: Seneca County Commissioner Shayne Thomas was present to express
his excitement for the grant and upcoming memorial park. He also wanted to inform Council that he is
running for State Representative.

Mayor Frisch introduced Heather Heyman as a candidate interested in our vacant solicitor position.
Heyman gave a little background information and discussed her rates.

Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Treft to enter into Executive Session to
discuss the appointment of solicitor. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried. Executive Session entered at 7:42pm.
Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Sanders to exit Executive Session. Vote: 5-0.
Motion carried. Executive Session entered at 8:04pm.

Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Sanders to appoint Heather Heyman as
solicitor for the Village of Attica, with the following terms: $300 per month for drafting ordinances and
attending 1 meeting monthly, $165/hour for litigation and travel time, $135/hour for work otherwise
not covered, and the Village covers Heyman under liability insurance. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.
Councilman Yakoubian presented an article about the misuse of funds and improper spending in
Youngstown, OH. Yakoubian wanted to give an example to show that funds are to be spent in a certain
manner, and we cannot just spend as we please. He encouraged others to understand the process.
Some further discussion was had on the article.

Public Safety: none

Streets & Properties: VA Martin stated that some of the catch basin tops were cleaned out in
anticipation of the rain coming. They only did the necessary locations in that pass.
VA Martin also presented a letter and 3 artifacts sent by ODOT this week. The artifacts are from a 1992
Honey Creek Bridge replacement project. The artifacts resemble stone fragments and were labeled by
ODOT. Council discussed and the suggestion was made to donate the artifacts to the Attica Area
Historical Society.
Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Treft to donate the artifacts to the Attica
Area Historical Society. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

Parks: Mayor Frisch brought up the Seneca County parks grants might be coming due in April. He
suggested getting a contact to inquire and get to filling out applications.

Trees: none

Fire: Had meeting; paid bills. Have a meeting to tour the fire department on Saturday.
EMS: Councilman Love reported: had meeting; paid bills. Randy Aichholz is a new trustee. There are 5
staff making runs now and they have improved their percentage of runs answered. There is advertising
in the paper asking for more volunteers.

Cemetery: none

Personnel: Matters were discussed earlier in Executive Session and the following vote to appoint a

Zoning Commission: none

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $ 1,074,008.98. The December bank reconciliation and utility
adjustment report were presented for review and approval. A debt report for the year 2019 was
presented, including the schedule of debt service requirements and schedule of outstanding debt.

Water & Sewer: none

Village Website & IT: none

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business: Mayor Frisch stated that there was a gentleman that had
interest in working at the water plant. He was interviewed back in December. Frisch asked if the
Personnel Committee had any recommendations. It was decided to table the matter until the next
meeting, so that VA Martin could get some information that he requested on retirement. Martin also
suggested that it would be a good idea to have the new candidate come to a meeting and introduce
himself. This candidate would be a laborer until he gets his licenses, which would be at least 1.5-2 years.
Councilman Love asked if there was a pay scale for a laborer position and was informed no. Love also
suggested that whatever wages are being discussed, to make sure that we have the money in the
budget. Mayor Frisch advised that we’ll run the numbers, and some of it is determined by Greg’s
retirement. He has agreed to stay on “as needed” to help out until everything was where it needed to
be. Councilman Sanders stated he will invite the new candidate to a meeting. Councilman Yakoubian
stated there will possibly be a Personnel Committee meeting before the next regular meeting.
Mayor Frisch gave the committee assignments as follows:

Finance: Sanders, Love
Streets & Property: Sanders, Treft
Water & Sewer: Yakoubian, Love, Weis
Fire: Yakoubian, Love
A/V Cemetery: Sanders
Records Commission: Mayor, Fiscal Officer, Solicitor
Parks: Love (ballfields), Treft (pool)
Personnel: Love, Yakoubian
EMS: Love, Yakoubian
Website & IT: Yakoubian
Trees: Treft
Tree Commission: Treft, Lance Drummond
Councilman Stanfield was originally assigned but declined to serve on Trees and Tree Commission.
Councilman Treft was assigned in his place.

Mayor Frisch announced that Council needed to put a president pro tem in place. Councilman
Yakoubian nominated Councilman Love and was seconded by Councilman Sanders.

Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Sanders to close nominations for president
pro tem. Vote 5-0. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Sanders to vote in Lynn Love as president
pro tem. Vote: 4-0, with Love abstaining. Motion carried.

Councilman Stanfield questioned if this is the year that we try and get interest on our money at Sutton
Bank. He suggested a financial advisor to tell us. FO Gullett advised that is something we can look into.
Councilman Stanfield questioned why we are not going to the USDA and asking to renegotiate or
refinance our loans with them. They are a big expense. FO Gullett advised that she is not familiar with
the terms of the loan since it was initiated several years ago, and that some terms may not allow
refinancing, but it was a question that can be asked.

Councilman Stanfield asked why we are not getting proper economics on the water plant to find out if
it’s a loss, as compared to tying into Rural Water. He believes all of the expenses we currently pay would
be gone if we close it.

Councilman Stanfield also stated that the Village Administrator has a job description in the law, and
wants to be sure that anyone coming into that role in the future conforms to and puts out reports as
required. VA Martin advised that a report is put out every year to water customers, that he is not
inclined to discuss it further with a non-water customer. Stanfield stated that he wanted a performance
review in context to the job description.

Next meeting: January 23, 2020 at 7:30PM

Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:57
PM. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

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