Mayor Bryan Shock called the August 29, 2019 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:35 PM.

Roll Call: Nate Frisch, George Yakoubian, Justin VanAlstine, Louie Sanders, Ed Treft, and Kirk Stanfield
Others present: Village Administrator Greg Martin

Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman VanAlstine to
approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman VanAlstine, seconded by Councilman Sanders to approve
the minutes. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: Audrey Flood with the Tiffin-Seneca Economic Partnership (TSEP) was
present to discuss her new role aimed at increasing the level of service within townships and villages.
She explained that TSEP is aimed at economic growth and is a free resource. They can help with new
business, expanding businesses and struggling businesses within our community. Flood also explained
they are building a database that lists all of the large parcels of land available within the region so it is
available for those looking to purchase for a new business. Flood asked will send updates from TSEP via
email to keep Attica in the loop. A few properties were mentioned around town that could use
attention, including the pizza place, drive thru and any other empty store front.

Public Safety: none

Streets & Properties: VA Greg Martin stated that a catch basin at the end of Councilman Yakoubian’s
street was in need of repair. RA Bores will be called in to take care of it.

Parks: Councilman Frisch announced that the Party in the Park will be 9/20 and 9/21. It is sponsored by
the Sons of the Legion and will have an adult kickball tournament, softball tournament and poker run.
There will also be a beer garden Friday and Saturday. They are hoping it goes well with a good turnout.

Trees: none

Fire: none

EMS: none

Cemetery: none

Personnel: none

Zoning Commission: VA Greg Martin stated that a letter was sent to find out what’s going on at the
Venice St property that appears to be starting a junkyard.

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $ 1,117,189.29.

Water & Sewer: VA Greg Martin announced that copper testing was completed and all were notified of
the results. No violations were found.

Village Website & IT: Councilman Yakoubian gave a quick recap of the IT maintenance work done and
stated that he hoped to get a few more years out of the machines currently in use. He also noted that
our domain registration would be coming up for renewal soon.

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business: 3rd read of ORD 2019-10: An ordinance to certify accounts
for the collection with the county for auditor for the Village of Attica, OH. Councilman Stanfield asked if
everyone had looked the accounts over and did they all conform to the ordinance. He inquired about
the account with the $7k balance. VA Martin explained there was a leak, the resident was aware and
was paying the bills until they stopped. Stanfield asked about the Schoen account Martin explained that
it was a rented building and if a tenant does not pay, the landlord is responsible. Stanfield also inquired
about another account and inquired whether the Village could just seize property. Martin explained we
are not seizing property, just putting it on their tax bill. Stanfield also asked what happens when it goes
to sale. Mayor Shock then cut the conversation off, stating the we have been advised by Solicitor Palau
not to get into any legal discussions with Councilman Stanfield, as he has already warned of an intent to

Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Frisch to adopt ORD 2019-10. Vote: 5-0,
Councilman Stanfield abstaining. Motion carried.

Next meeting: Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 7:30PM.

Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman VanAlstine to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:10
PM. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.
____________________________________ ______________________________
Mayor Bryan Shock Fiscal Officer Michelle Gullett