Mayor Bryan Shock called the July 25, 2019 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:29 PM.

Roll Call: Nate Frisch, George Yakoubian, Justin VanAlstine, Louie Sanders, Ed Treft (arrived at 7:51pm), and Kirk Stanfield

Others present: Solicitor Rick Palau
Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman VanAlstine to approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman VanAlstine, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to approve the minutes. Vote 5-0. Motion carried, with Councilman Sanders noting that the designate was informed.

Written & Oral Communication: Mayor Shock announced that Village Administrator Greg Martin could not attend, due to a family emergency.

Matthew Mau with the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) presented information on potential revenue and costs associated with using their services for managing an income tax for the Village. Mau passed out literature on the services they offer and gave an overview of the agency and how they partner with other municipalities. Estimated revenues, based on census data and employment data provided by the Village, indicates potential revenues of $200,000 and annual costs of between $6,000-$7,000. This is an estimate, and based on a 1% income tax and 0% credit for taxes paid to other cities. The full amount of revenue wouldn’t be recognized until the 3rd year after implementation. RITA estimates roughly $60,000 in the first year, $140,000 in the second year, and then $200,000 in the third year. Distributions to the Village would come twice a month from RITA. Administrative costs are held by RITA and no direct payment would be owed to RITA from the Village. Mau indicated that the Village would have a few “next steps” to follow if they wished to move forward. Council would have to vote and adopt to enact the tax, join RITA, enter into a contract with RITA, and be accepted by RITA before the partnership would begin.

Resident Lance Drummond asked the consequences if the Village changed their mind on having RITA administer. Q: Would there be a fee or penalty? (Mau) No, they do ask for a 6 month notice in writing, but no penalty or fee. Residents Tony Wurm and Lou Hoyle were also in attendance and had several questions. Q: Who makes the vote to enact the tax? (Mau) The municipality can vote to enact up to a 1% without a vote on a ballot. Q: Is the intention to fund the police department only? (Mau) That has not been discussed specifically. Q: Voters have said no twice now, what has changed? (Councilman Sanders) Residents have voiced that this would be more of an equal tax, because renters would also pay. Q: Do any other municipalities use their tax income solely for a police department? (Mau) RITA doesn’t have any control over how they spend the money from the income tax.

Solicitor Palau also brought up a reminder that a tax board would need to be put in place. Resident Lynn Love also questioned whether or not there was a budget in mind to operate the police department. Councilman Yakoubian advised that the previous budget was $76,000 and was not adequate for proper pay/coverage. Yakoubian also explained that he is in support of the income tax not only to support the police department but also to support the general health the Village’s budget, citing declining funds from the state and other things. Discussion was had again about Village employees residing in the Village. It was reiterated the Village cannot mandate that employees live in the Village limits.

Hoyles also questioned whether or not we could get coverage from the Seneca County Sheriff. It was explained that it would cost money to contract for more coverage and the sheriff would not enforce the ordinances of the Village. The question was asked about a nuisance officer or zoning board. Solicitor Rick Palau explained that we could hire a nuisance officer, but no criminal charges would be able to be filed from enforcing, only civil.
Resident Tony Wurm stated the he observed the Attica Police cruiser in Willard at a car dealership service shop. Mayor Shock advised that it was taken in due to a recall.
Resident Lynn Love asked if we are still paying unemployment benefits for the police officers who were laid off by the closing. It was advised that yes, we are. We do not have control over how many weeks, the state decides that. We are obligated to pay unemployment charges to the state.

Penelope Christian from the Seneca County Regional Planning Commission (SCRPC) came to ask if there were improvements planned for the Village, as the county is trying to put together a transportation improvement priority plan.She is interning until mid-August and would need any requests by then.

Public Safety: none

Streets & Properties: none

Parks: Mayor Shock stated that Musco was in town earlier in the day to replace the wiring at the park that has been waiting for the right weather. He also state that light bulbs might have to start being changed out.
Councilman Frisch stated that there is a leak at the pool. A leak finder has been called and he was not sure if it was found yet or not, but it is being addressed. Frisch also advised that the bolts are dwindling in the mechanical room at the pool and that is a major concern. Frisch stated there is a grant coming up in April through the county that wouldn’t cover the cost but could help.

Frisch also stated that the Legion needs the actual deed to the land next door for the Memorial Park. Solicitor Palau will locate.

Fire: paid bills

EMS: none

Cemetery: none

Personnel: none

Zoning Commission: none

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $1,045,070.39.

Water & Sewer: none

Village Website & IT: Councilman Yakoubian announced that some routine computer maintenance and upgrades to Windows 10 will be performed soon.

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business: 1st read of ORD 2019-10: An ordinance to certify accounts for the collection with the county for auditor for the Village of Attica, OH.

Next meeting: Thursday, August 29, 2019 at 7:30PM. *Note: August meetings are 3rd & 5th Thursday, due to the Attica Fair.

Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Frisch to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:57 PM. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.



Mayor Bryan Shock


Fiscal Officer Michelle Gullett