Mayor Bryan Shock called the April 26th, 2018 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:35PM.

  1. I.Roll Call: Ed Treft, Louis Sanders, George Yakoubian, and Nate Frisch. Absent: Kirk Stanfield and Jeff Love. Other’s present: V.A. Martin, Chief Turner, Fiscal Officer Amber Coontz, Resident: Scott Dorris, Lance & Tracy Drummond, Glea Herr, and Press.
  2. II.Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Sanders to approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 4-0. Motion Carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Frisch to approve the minutes as presented. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

  1. III.Written & Oral Communication: Mayor announced a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to be held on 05/17/2018 @ 3PM for the New Seneca County Justice Center. Also, the 2017 Pool Manager, Glea Herr was present to speak about the upcoming 2018 pool opening information. It was discussed that June 2nd, 2018. Glea had an excellent idea to create “Emergency Contact Cards” for citizens. The high board step issue and pool painting were also discussed, as well as, wages. It was determined that the rates were set last year during the 05/11/2017 meeting but future pay raises were not noted. The Pool Rate of Pay would be discussed in the Special Meeting for Council on Saturday 04/28/2018. It was established to continue the same admission fees and hours as last year season, as well.
  2. A. Martin brought up the topic of the dumpster at the park and the finances surrounding it and the little league team.
  1. IV.Committee Matters:
    1. 1.Public Safety: Chief Turner read the Resignation of Captain Joseph A. Leroux effective 05/11/2018. We Thank You, Captain Leroux, for your service to the Village of Attica and wish him all the best on his upcoming endeavors. Chief Turner then briefed Council about the 2017-9 Ordinance and the minor misdemeanor charge with the violation instead of the village mowing and doing a property tax assessment. He said the citizens, once warned, had 5 days to get into compliance with the ordinance and mow the grass. Chief turner informed Council that Ordinance 2012-4 will be enforced due to complaints being received regarding dog feces and the imminent smell starting to take place. Lastly, Chief Turner and Village Administrator Greg Martin relayed the information that 99% of residents have complied with the “no junk cars” ordinance and spoke specifically about Mr. Hess cleaning up and complying. Mr. Hess was informed of the requirements of the zoning board and he started moving the vehicle out before the 5-day expiration given by the Chief.
    2. 2.Streets and Properties: V.A. Martin discussed the foreclosure and/or auction of 110 S. Main St. He did not respond to the notice due to the lack of desire from the village to purchase. The house is condemned and will be left up to the county to decide on its demise. Also, V.A. Martin stated that, per Commissioner Thomas, the Eagles building will be going to bid on 04/27/2018. He went on to discuss that pothole patching has begun. Councilman Sanders asked about Venice Street and whether “we were doing anything with that?” The Village Admin responded that, “we were trying to apply for something and get it into the works.”
    3. 3.Parks: Councilman Frisch encouraged everyone in attendance to please vote for the Levy. In addition, the Resolution 2018-5 needed passing for the Grant application had to have a minimum of a 5-0 vote and without enough Council present a special meeting was enacted for Saturday, April 28th, 2018 at 8am. 24-hour notice was posted publically, following the meeting, in addition; Councilman Love and Stanfield were served notice and media was present to be also be notified. Continuing, it was mentioned that Little League season had started.
    4. 4.Trees: Mr. Drummond would like to plant trees this season. He will research which trees to plant and will create a budget, get with the Village Admin. For location approval due to power lines. He offered to get bids from the local nurseries and Lowes Home Improvement. Also, he requested approval for a $10 credit per seasonal month to home owners for watering during the summer months. This to be accepted/declined at a later date.
    5. 5.Fire: Held meeting – everything is good.
    6. 6.EMS: Held meeting – everything is good.
    7. 7.Cemetery: -
    8. 8.Personnel – Glea Herr (discussed in the latter) and the topic of advertising for a Water/Sewer General Laborer was discussed.
    9. 9.Zoning Commission: - nothing
    10. 10.Finance & Rule: Total of all Funds: $1,043,089.24 – Review & sign March 2018 Bank reconciliation
    11. 11.Water & Sewer: Gary and Jeret have been attending the Source Water Protection meetings, mainly with regards to Honey Creek. The EPA is questioning the 10m of tributary that feed into Honey creek, the maps are from 2004 and eventually the EPA will mandate for the village to have one. Jeret has been put in charge of this project and the EPA has informed the Village Administrator that he would like to attend an upcoming meeting to discuss the Protection Plan.
    12. 12.Village Website & IT: Councilman Yakoubian informed Council that the Community Garage Sale has been on the Village Calendar and he will update the site with the pool information.


  1. V.Unfinished – Old Business – New Business

Unfinished: Seneca County Board of Elections arriving 05/03/2018 @ 10am to deliver equipment and picking up on 05/10/2018 @ 10:45am.

Unfinished: Proclamation – Notice of Primary Election to post to Public no later than 04/7/2018.

New Business: Fiscal Officer Coontz informed Chief Turner to contact Chief Coontz at MPD and come on station to assist with the Grant regarding police vests. The grant application process will close at the end of May 2018 and Chief Coontz, on behalf of F.O. Coontz, expressed the “guaranteed funds.”

Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Frisch to enter conduct a Special Meeting session on 04/28/18 @ 8am. Voted 4-0. Motion Carried

Next Meeting: Thursday, May 24th, 2018 at 7:30 P.M.

Motion to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:55 P.M. Vote 4-0. Motion carried.

_______________________________                                             ____________________________

Mayor Bryan Shock                                                                         Fiscal Officer Amber Coontz