Mayor Bryan Shock called the Organizational January 11, 2018 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:39PM.

Louis Sanders was sworn in to Council office by Mayor Shock.  Welcome back Louis.

Roll Call:  Nate Frisch, Jeff Love, Kirk Stanfield, Ed Treft, George Yakoubian and Louis Sanders.  Others present:  Chief Turner and residents M/M Lance Drummond.  Absent:  V.A. Martin.

Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to approve the warrants for payment.  Councilman Stanfield wanted the list of paid bills in advance of the Council meeting and that it contain all the funds that were spent from each vendor/paid invoice.  F.O. Krebs explained the computer generated form of paid bills and that it will not give the line item(s) that were expended from.  Mayor Shock said again that the Village does not have to create reports for you Councilman Stanfield, the bills are available for reviewing and Council member signatures, and that all bills to be approved by Council have the appropriate line item expenditure listed on the payment form.  Councilman Stanfield wanted to come early and list all the line item appropriations for each bill and Mayor Shock told him that he will not hold up Council meetings by doing so.  Stanfield also questioned what happens when a bill does not get three signatures?  It is not paid until further documentation/explanation is presented to Council, and that it will not get paid if there are not three Councilmembers’ signatures.  Checks are not mailed out until Council has approved them reported F.O. Krebs.  Vote:  5-0, with Councilman Sanders abstaining.  Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by to approve the minutes as presented.  Vote: 5-0, with Councilman Sanders abstaining.  Motion carried.

Mayor Shock set the committees, removing Yakoubian from Finance and Personnel and Stanfield from Trees.  See 2018 Committee listing for appointments

Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Love to set the Council meeting dates as the same, 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 7:30PM.  Vote:  6-0.  Motion carried.

Councilman Yakoubian nominated Councilman Love for Pres pro-tem.  Councilman Frisch seconded that nomination.  Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman Sanders to close nominations.  Vote: 5-1, with Councilman Stanfield voting No.  Motion carried.  Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Frisch to elect Councilman Jeff Love as Pres pro-tem.  Vote: 5-1, with Councilman Stanfield voting No.  Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communications:  Benefit for resident/Veteran John Thorton at the Attica Fairgrounds, Sat. Jan. 13th, with meal and auction items.  This event is sponsored by the Attica SOL.

Public Safety:  no report

Streets & Properties:  Plowing promptness by Greg, Gary and Jeret is greatly appreciated.  You are doing an excellent job of keeping our streets plowed this winter.  Thank you.

Parks:  MUSCO has re-scheduled the ball-field lights to 1-17-18, weather permitting.

Trees:  -

Fire:  With the many recent fires, Councilman Treft asked if smoke detectors/carbon monoxide detectors are available and still being passed out.  Yes they are and the entire County is involved  (and the school is very active) in this program.  Batteries are given out at the Christmas program.  Contact the AVR Fire Dept. if you need one.

EMS:  Meeting held, bills paid.

Cemetery:  Councilman Love reported attending the Organizational meeting, rates keeping as they are now, with openings in the mausoleum. 

Personnel:  Executive Session to discuss hiring later this meeting.

Zoning Commission:  -

Finance & Rule:  Total all Funds: $940,472.04.  The 12-31-17 Bank reconciliation was reviewed and signed by Council.  Various year-end reports were passed out to Council from the F.O.  Councilman Stanfield said the lagoons report looks to show $898,XXX paid for by Attica’s share, 1.8 million for a loan OPWC and the $500,000 OPWC grant monies.  Is this right?  F.O. Krebs told Councilman Stanfield to be careful how he interprets that report.  It WILL show the CDBG grant ($500,000) as being paid by the Village, as the entire grant was run thru Village books.  It clearly states that on the report.  The final OPWC loan numbers should be received soon.  Yes, it is still around $67,000 estimated for the annual loan repayment to OPWC.

Water & Sewer:  -

Village website & IT:  -

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business:

3rd Read of Resolution #2017-19, Intent to proceed, Police levy was read.  Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Frisch to adopt Resolution #2017-19, Intent to Proceed with Police Levy.  Vote: 6-0.  Motion carried.

3rd Read of Resolution #2017-20, Intent to proceed, Parks levy was read.  Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman Love to adopt Resolution #2017-20, intent to Proceed with Parks Levy.  Vote: 6-0.  Motion carried.

3rd Read Ordinance # 2017-21 deducting sewer cost on swimming pool fills was read.  Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to adopt Ordinance #2017-21, deducting sewer cost on swimming pool fills.  Vote: 6-0.  Motion carried.

1st Read on Resolution # 2018-1, Advance of $25,000 from General Fund to Police Operations Fund (due to cash flow issues, and that the Real Estate Tax bills from the County, have not yet been mailed.  These monies will be repaid to General Fund when the first half R.E. tax settlement has been made to the Village by the County).  Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Sanders to suspend the three read rule on Resolution # 2018-1, $25,000 advance.  Vote: 6-0.  Motion carried.  Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Sanders to declare an emergency on Resolution #2018-1, $25,000 advance.  Vote:  6-0.  Motion carried.  Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Sanders to adopt Resolution # 2018-1, the $25,000 advance from General Fund to the Police Operations Fund.  Vote:  6-0.  Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Love to enter into Executive Session for personnel hiring.  Time:  8:28PM.  Vote:  6-0.  Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman Love to enter into Regular Session.  Time:  9:00PM.  Vote: 6-0.  Motion carried.

Next meeting:  Thursday January 25, 2018 at 7:30PM.

Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Frisch to adjourn the meeting.  Time: 9:00PM.  Vote: 6-0.  Motion carried.

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