Mayor Bryan Shock called the October 26, 2017 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:30PM.

Roll Call:  Jeff Love, Nate Frisch, George Yakoubian, Jeff Painter and Kirk Stanfield.  Absent:  Gary Jordan.  Others present:  Village Administrator Martin, Solicitor Palau, Police Chief Turner and residents Ed Treft and M/M Lance Drummond.

Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Love to approve the warrants for payment.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Frisch to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2017 meeting minutes with the following correction:  remove “NOT” from the statement “we will not put in the switch”, the Village will put in the switch.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communications:  -

Public Safety:  Councilman Yakoubian distributed other millage amounts for Council to consider for the Police Levy for the May 2018 ballot.  Village valuation was discussed, with current 2017 (tri-annual update) value at $12,949,490 and 2016 value was $12,948,250.  Several were in agreement with 5 mills for the levy and Solicitor Palau reviewed the time-line of resolutions/Co Auditor Certification to get this process completed in a timely manner to make the May ballot.   5 mills will generate approximately $64,741 per year for the department.   Councilman Painter asked what the 2nd Police levy (expires 12-31-19) millage consideration would be.  Chief Turner responded 8 mills.  Council feels we have to realistic in our request or the levy will fail.  Spring turnout of voters typically is less than the fall voters.  Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to increase the (12-31-18) Police levy to 5 mills (from 3) for a 5 year term, for the May ballot, and instructing Solicitor Palau to draw up the necessary Resolution for the next Council meeting.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

Streets & Properties:  Micro surfacing of US Rte. 224 is complete, and striping should be done by the weekend.

Parks:  Staff winterized the pool, park water has been shut-off.  Musco will repair Myers Park Ballfield lighting this fall.  Levy consideration?  Increase millage from ½ mill to ¾ mill for 5 years.  Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Painter to increase the Parks & Rec Levy (expires 12-31-18) to ¾ mill for 5 years, for the May ballot, and instructing Solicitor Palau to draft the Resolution for the next Council meeting.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

Trees:  -

Fire:  Meeting held.

EMS:  Meeting held, bills paid.

Cemetery:  No meeting.

Personnel:  Councilman Stanfield proposed raises for Council members to $75.00 per meeting, and $500. per month increase for the Mayor.  Several Council members voice their opinion that GF does not have the money for this and we as Council are not here for the Money.  Solicitor Palau explained to Councilman Stanfield, that even if this were approved by Council, it would not take effect until the end of 2019 (next terms expiring).  Council will hold an Executive Session prior to the end of this meeting for Personnel.

Zoning Commission:  -

Finance & Rule:  Total all funds: $871,930.90   Work continues on the 2018 appropriations, but I need a direction on rates of pay for employees and health insurance policy before I can continue further.  A date in November will be considered for the finance committee meeting to figure pay raises and insurance policy coverage.

Water & Sewer:  V.A. Martin said the old reservoir improvement work will be done in phases and reported as such to ODNR.  The switch will installed, bank work as necessary and thereafter stone as needed.  Are there fish in the new reservoir?  Yes.  Do these old and new reservoirs fill separately?  Yes they do.  The free boarding (largest cost)?  Working on getting a variance back to the original design.  ODNR inspected the new lagoons and found no issues.  Lagoon expenses ($3,223,115.85) by Vendor report was distributed to Council.

Village Web Site & IT:  -

Unfinished, Old Business, New Business: 

Motion by Councilman Painter, seconded by Councilman Love to set Tuesday November 21, 2017, 7:30PM for the 2nd meeting in November (re-scheduling due to Thanksgiving).  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.  Solicitor Palau will attend the November 9th meeting instead of the 21st meeting.

Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to enter into Executive Session for Personnel – employee employment.  Time: 8:23PM.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Painter, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian, to enter out of Executive Session, into Regular Session.  Time: 8:37PM.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

Nov. 9th, 7PM will be the meeting of the Personnel committee (prior to regular meeting at 7:30).

Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to adjourn the meeting.  Time: 8:38PM.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

________________________________                                             ______________________________

Mayor Bryan Shock