Mayor Bryan Shock called the March 23, 2017 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:30PM.

Roll Call:  Nate Frisch, George Yakoubian, Jeff Love, Kirk Stanfield, Jeff Painter.  Absent:  Gary Jordan.  Others present:  Village Administrator Martin, Solicitor Palau, Chief Turner and residents M/M Lance Drummond.

Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Painter to approve the warrants for payment.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to approve the minutes as presented.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: -

Public Safety:  Chief Turner has received numerous complainst about trash on an Eden Street residence.  Who is responsible for administering these letters of violation, the Chief or Village Administrator?  Ordinance 2009-17 says both can handle the process.  Chief Turner says he does not have time to do these violations and would like the civil penalty changed to a criminal penalty.  If the Village has to clean up any property in violation, the bill for services would be sent to the property owner to pay, then property taxes assessed if non-payment.  Solicitor Palau said the Village is not allowed to clean-up on   porches, etc., only yard areas.  Ordinance 2009-17 can remain in place and adopt another Ordinance.  Solicitor Palau will obtain a copy of Tiffin’s Ordinance and draft an Ordinance that will suffice and present it to Council for consideration.  The grass ordinance is similar to the trash ordinance, and it is the same 10-15 individuals who are in violation of the grass ordinance each year.

Streets & Properties:  The Photo enforcement sign is now up again on South S.R. 4.  MAPA (old Pioneer) would like to give a 4 acre parcel of land and small building (located at 302 lemon St) to the Village.  This is contaminated land and cannot be used as any building site, it has been “cleaned” by EPA, but fails to get current status of  conditions.  The Village would become liable if accepting this property.  Thanks, but no thanks for the offer.  Street light out at 208 E Tiffin St for which Chief Turner will report it to AEP.

Parks:  The S.E. Ball Club contract runs from 2016/17.   Pool:  only 1 lifeguard applicant.  Discussion lead to a final push in advertising to get lifeguards for Summer of 2017.  If in-sufficient staffing for 2017, then the Village will not open the pool in the future.  S.East School is to be commended for their efforts in trying to get the word out for pool employment.  Rate of pay for employees was mentioned.  The Lifeguard class is a rigorous training course, the pool is a day-care service and parents give their kids money so they don’t have to work.  Perhaps the YMCA would take over the operation of the pool with their staff?  Advertisement will be place on the Village scrolling sign as well.

Trees:  -

Fire: -

EMS:  -

Cemetery:  Meeting held, bills paid.

Personnel:  -

Zoning Commission:  -

Finance & Rule:  Total all funds $872,618.72.  The 2015-16 audit period will begin around the first part of May.

Water & Sewer:  The old sewer plant demolition continues with filling the oxidation ditches as weather permits.

Village Web Site & IT:  -

Unfinished, Old Business, New Business:

3rd read of Ordinance 2017-5, Ohio Basic Code for year 2017 was given.  Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Painter to adopt Ordinance 23017-5, Year 2017 Ohio Basic Code.  Vote:  5-0.  Motion carried.

Solicitor Palau presented Council with Ordinance 2017-6 to hire Steven Palmer ESQ as arbitrator of Civil Citations for the Village of Attica.  Discussion was brief and was to be presented as an Emergency as the Arbitrator must be in place to hear any contested cases.  A first reading of Ordinance 2017-6 was given.  Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman Love to suspend the three read rule on Ordinance 2017-6.  Vote: 4-1, with Councilman Painter voting No.  Solicitor Palau said this Ordinance can’t so any further, as it failed to get five affirmative votes.  Discussion further continued when Councilman Painter asked if the Arbitrator will always get the $150.00 per month even if there are no contested cases?  Perhaps we could pay him $75.00 on the months that he will not have to attend due to zero contested cases?   Councilman Yakoubian said the agreement (Ordinance and Contract) was to be read over prior to all these motions.  It says we “must have an arbitrator hired by the Village for contested cases”.  Why didn’t you speak up prior to now?  Section 15 of the contract that says Blue Line Solutions was to pay for the arbitrator WAS removed by Council by motion at a previous meeting.  It will be the responsibility of V.Attica to pay the arbitrator.  Thus approximately 3 citations each month will be needed to off-set this cost.  This contract (with Blue-Line) can be stopped at any time with 30 days written notice.  Solicitor Palau will speak with Mr. Palmer to find an agreement to the hiring of an arbitrator and present it to Council for consideration.

Next Meeting :  Thursday April 13, 2017 at 7:30PM.

Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Painter to adjourn the meeting.  Time:  8:38PM.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

____________________________________                                 _______________________________

Mayor Bryan Shock                                                                                      Fiscal Officer Pat Krebs