Mayor Nathan Frisch called the June 25, 2020 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

Roll Call: Lynn Love, George Yakoubian, Ed Treft, Louie Sanders, Kirk Stanfield, Tim Bulger Others Present: Village Administrator Greg Martin, Solicitor Heather Niedermeier Heyman

Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Bulger to approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Love to approve the minutes. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: Councilman Stanfield noted that on the warrants, he thinks that the Village should have done the catch basin cleaning ourselves and not hired Darr’s to do it. He also noted that there is still a catch basin that has water laying. VA Martin noted that Darr’s has the equipment and experience to do the cleaning properly and timely. A representative from RITA (Regional Income Tax Agency) was present to again present information on their services. Courtney Miller from RITA gave an informational packet and presentation about how RITA works and gave the same estimated income and fees from last year’s presentation. Miller also noted that RITA is looking to put an office out in this area to have a better presence for customers in this region. She fielded a few questions about what is taxable, confirming that Social Security income is not taxable. Residents can find out more about what income is taxable and not taxable by visiting the RITA website. Miller also explained a little bit about how income taxes work if you live or work in another town with a tax. Should the Village choose to enact the income tax, it would require the passing of an ordinance and entering an agreement with RITA.

Public Safety: none

Streets & Properties: VA Martin noted the “junk day” discussion on the agenda and asked for more info. He said that it might be easier to have dumpsters brought in vs going around to pick up items, given the current situation. He also noted that Rumpke probably wouldn’t do that service. Councilman Yakoubian suggested reaching out to Cyclone Services and Mayor Frisch suggested Sonic in Republic. FO Gullett will reach out to see our options.

Parks: VA Martin gave a little more information on the request for expanding the parking lot by the ballfield from last meeting. He was looking at the circle portion, wanting to stone the center and driveway. He will get an estimate. Councilman Treft asked what happened to the Honey Creek Park sign. VA Martin advised that Painter had a new one made.

Trees: none

Fire: Councilman Yakoubian reported: had meeting, paid bills. Stated they have some training coming up on SCBAs and hoses. Tires and rims were also purchased.

EMS: Councilman Love reported: had meeting, paid bills.

Cemetery: none

Personnel: Councilman Love wanted to bring back the subject of Water Superintendent Gary Weis’s sick time payout request. She wants to get a decision made, as he has been waiting. Solicitor Heyman advised that there is nothing requiring Council to pay extra, and there were previous concerns of setting a precedent. Discussion was had and it was decided that Council should really speak to Weis again. Council would like Weis to attend a meeting to discuss.

Zoning Commission: VA Martin advised that he sent one zoning violation letter for a pool that was too close to the road and not having a fence.

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $ 1,235,861.15. FO Gullett advised that the Village will be getting a refund for the unused pool license from the health department. It should be the license fees, minus 10%. Gullett also followed up that the levy resolutions and information was submitted to the Board of Elections; haven’t heard anything back yet. A 2020 utility rate schedule was distributed, as requested. Gullett advised that OPWC will NOT be accepting any payments on loans until January 2021. This will not incur any additional interest or fees, and a new amortization schedule will be distributed. Borrowers have the option to make a double payment for the January payment or simply follow the new schedule. PEP Insurance is up for renewal. The Village’s contribution this year will be $37,103. VA Martin asked if that accounted for the pool not opening. FO Gullett doesn’t think so. She will follow up. Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Bulger to renew PEP insurance policy at a max contribution of $37,103. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried. FO Gullett also announced that there are funds available from a Coronavirus Relief Fund. The funds will be restricted on use and she is not yet aware of the amount available to the Village. It will be distributed to the county and dispersed from there. This was part of the CARES Act passed by the federal government earlier this year. In order to receive the funds, the Village needs to pass a resolution in support of the funds and agreeing to be used only for what is allowed under HB 481. Gullett also apologized for the typo in the title of the resolution and causing a need to make a change to the title. 1 st read RES 2020-9: RES 2020-9: A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THAT FUNDS FROM THE CORONAVIRUS RELIEF DISTRIBUTION FUND WILL BE EXPENDED ONLY TO COVER COSTS OF THE CITY OF NORTH ROYALTON, OHIO CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 5001 OF THE CARES ACT AS DECRIBED IN 42 U.S.C 601 (D), AND ANY APPLICABLE REGULATIONS AS IS NECESSARY PURSUANT TO H.B. 481 BEFORE RECEIVING SAID FUNDS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Sanders to change the title of RES 2020-9 from “City of North Royalton” to “Village of Attica.” Vote: 6-0. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to suspend the three read rule on RES 2020-9. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Bulger to declare an emergency on RES 2020- 9. Vote 6-0. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Love to adopt RES 2020-9. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried. Village Income Tax update: Councilman Yakoubian suggested that we get the ordinance information from RITA to review and move from there.

Water & Sewer: Councilman Yakoubian reported that the Water/Sewer Committee met with representatives from NORWA and Aqua. Several options were laid out and both companies expressed interest in the Village’s operations. Options included taking over just the water business, which could include buying water, supplying water or buying the plant. NORWA expressed interest in buying the water plant. Both companies stated they would absorb the current employees. Yakoubian reported they did give some standard rates. Residents might save on rates, and they might not. It might just alleviate the Village of the burden of water operations. Both companies would want more information on financials and stats before they could give actual figures. He reported that Aqua is privately controlled and NORWA has a board that the Village would be a part of. Yakoubian asked the solicitor if there were any restrictions on financial information if the companies asked. Solicitor Heyman advised that anything that is public record is OK; anything different would need to be reviewed first. Councilman Yakoubian advised he will have them contact the Fiscal Officer. They are most interested in debt information. Councilman Treft asked if they would need to go through PUCO to set rates. Yakoubian answered that Aqua is either by contract or PUCO; NORWA is PUCO. The representatives will be invited back to attend a meeting in open Council, one at a time. They may also want to tour the facilities.

Village Website & IT: none

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business:

Next meeting: July 9 th, 2020 at 7:30PM

Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Sanders to adjourn the meeting. Time: 9:21 PM. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried. ____________________________________ ______________________________ Mayor Nathan Frisch Fiscal Officer Michelle Gullett