Mayor Bryan Shock called the December 19, 2019 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:35 PM.

Roll Call: Nate Frisch, George Yakoubian, Justin VanAlstine, Louie Sanders, Ed Treft, and Kirk Stanfield

Others present: Village Administrator Greg Martin

Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman VanAlstine to approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman VanAlstine, seconded by Councilman Frisch to approve the minutes. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: Councilman Stanfield announced that resident Dawn Martin has passed away, and he was given information on her two cats that need rehomed. Anyone interested can call 419-217-8893.

Public Safety: none

Streets & Properties: VA Greg Martin stated that Charlene Watkins sent an email regarding the mosquito control program and asked if this is something we would be interested in doing again. Mayor Shock advised yes.

Parks: none

Trees: none

Fire: none

EMS: none

Cemetery: none

Personnel: Councilman VanAlstine stated that he spoke to Gary Weis regarding his sick time payout request. Weis is looking to see what his options are, just gearing up for eventual retirement. VanAlstine stated that he reviewed the ORC but couldn’t give specific legal advice, as he is not legal counsel. He stated that the new personnel committee will need to meet with Gary and the solicitor in the new year to clear everything up.

Councilman Sanders announced there is someone interested in a position with the water department. The personnel committee would be meeting soon to discuss. This would be someone to prepare for replacing Greg when he retires.

Zoning Commission: none

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $ 1,056,956.07. FO Gullett passed around the Appropriation Status report for 2019. With only 2 weeks remaining, all anticipated expenses should be included and appropriated.

Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Treft to approve final appropriations for 2019. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

Water & Sewer: VA Martin stated that our EPA rep was in with a new person in their office. They reviewed new requirements and changes coming in the next year.

Village Website & IT: none

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business: 1 st read of RES 2019-13: Temporary Appropriations for 2020, and declaring an emergency.

Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman VanAlstine to suspend the three-read rule on RES 2019-13. Vote: 5-0, with Councilman Stanfield voting No. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman Sanders to declare an emergency on RES 2019- 13. Vote: 5-0, with Councilman Stanfield voting No. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to adopt RES 2019-13, Temporary Appropriations for 2020 $903,934.53. Vote: 5-0, with Councilman Stanfield voting No. Motion carried. Mayor Shock conducted the swearing in of Lynn Love as a member of Council, and Nathan Frisch as Mayor, both effective 1/1/2020.

Mayor Shock also reminded everyone of some housekeeping items for January: set meeting dates and times, appoint committees, and designate pro tem. 

VA Martin expressed a great deal of thanks to Mayor Shock for all of his years serving on Council and as Mayor.

Next meeting: Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 7:30PM.

Motion by Councilman VanAlstine, seconded by Councilman Yakoubian to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:00 PM. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.

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Mayor Nathan Fricsh

Fiscal Officer Michelle Gullett