Mayor Bryan Shock called the February 23, 2017 Village of Attica Council meeting to order at 7:30PM.

Roll Call:  Kirk Stanfield, Jeff Painter, Gary Jordan, Nate Frisch and George Yakoubian.  Absent:  Jeff Love.  Other present:  Village Administrator Martin, Police Chief Turner, Solicitor Palau, and residents M/M Drummond and Scott Dorris.

Motion by Councilman Painter, seconded by Councilman Jordan to approve the warrants for payment.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Painter to approve the minutes as presented.  Vote:  5-0.  Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication:  Public Records Request for the “Village Charter”.  Solicitor Palau stated that the Village is under Ohio Revised Code as we do not have a ten-year renewal Village Charter.  Village Administrator Martin has the CDBG grant application (due 4-24-17) of the Seneca R.P.C. for the Eagles Building, with an income survey training session scheduled for 3/9/17 from 1-4:30PM at the S. Co Fairgrounds.

Public Safety:  Chief Turner and Auxiliary Officer Bruening attended a two day training on drug interdiction from the OSP.  The Village has posted the 30 day public notice (2-16-17) concerning the photo enforcement Lidar unit in the Hub.  Solicitor Palau asked Council if they are interested in having Steven Palmer serve as the arbitrator for the Village on the photo camera contested cases, as it is a conflict of interest if Palau serves in that capacity.  Mr. Palmer is an Attorney from the Greenwich area, serving as their arbitrator in like service.  Mayor Shock asked Solicitor Palau if he would like the audio/video camera in operation during arbitration?  Yes.  Mayor Shock will instruct Solicitor Palau on its operation.  Motion by Councilman Yakoubian, seconded by Councilman Jordan to have Solicitor Palau draw up an Ordinance, naming Steven Palmer as the Arbitrator for the Village of Attica for photo  speed traffic contested cases, with pay to be $150. per arbitration session.  (which will likely be set just prior to the scheduled Council’s second  meetings of the month).  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.  A resident from the Myers Park area has noticed suspicious activity in that area (pool parking lot) and asked if additional lighting can be provided and police look into the matter of activity.

Streets & Properties:  The traffic signal project is complete.  AEP removed the old pole (2-22-17).  Still awaiting paving estimates.  One of which is the semi traffic violation on Locust Street which will be forwarded to the insurance company of the semi involved.  A brush pick-up will take place 2-24-17 with the recent winds and warm weather.  Solicitor Palau mentioned that N/S Woodwind tax duplicates will not be addressed by the Village or Co. Prosecutor’s Office as we are working on getting the street tax exempt thru the State of Ohio, along with AVMPark parcels and the three parcels of the lagoons.  V.A. Martin will get photos of each of the areas for the exemption filings.  Street light out at 210 E Tiffin St to be reported.

Parks:  Pool  Applications?  A few out for Manager and Assistant, none for Lifeguards that we are aware of.

Trees:  -

Fire:  Paid the bills.

EMS:  Meeting held, bills paid.

Cemetery:  Bills paid

Personnel:  The following four Council seats are up for re-election, so if interested in serving again, obtain and turn in the proper paperwork and timeline.  Councilmen:  Jordan, Painter, Stanfield and Yakoubian.

Zoning Commission:  -

Finance & Rule:  $862,415.37 is the total of all funds.  The Police have received their full $20,000 advance request from the Co. Auditor.

Water & Sewer:  Lead mapping is complete for the 3-9-17 deadline (EPA).  Demolition of the old ww plant continues, with hauling in of dirt to the oxidation ditches.

Village Web Site & IT:  -

Unfinished, Old Business, New Business:

2nd Reading of Ordinance 2017-4  LPA/STATE for micro-surfacing of SR 224 within Attica was held.

1st Reading of Ordinance 2017-5   Ohio Basic Code, Year 2017 was held.

Next meeting will be Thursday March 9, 2017 at 7:30PM.

Motion by Councilman Frisch, seconded by Councilman Painter to adjourn the meeting.  Time:  7:53PM.  Vote: 5-0.  Motion carried.

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