Mayor Nathan Frisch called the June 8, 2023 Village of Attica Council regular meeting to order at 7:33 PM.
Roll Call: Ed Beamer, Keith Hopple, Kirk Stanfield,

Others Present:

Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Beamer, seconded by Council Hopple to approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Beamer, seconded by Councilman Hopple to approve the minutes. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: Tim Heibertshausen was in attendance representing the Son’s of the Legion. He wanted to get the Village’s opinion on the Son’s of the Legion purchasing a scoreboard for the ballfields at Central Park. The Son’s of the Legion will purchase and install the scoreboard at Central Park but want the Village to be responsible for the electric bill. The sign will be LED. The scoreboard will be 4 ft by 8 ft, 20 amp/ 120 v. They do not believe the board will draw much power. Councilman Beamer moved to allow the Son’s of the Legion to install the scoreboard and the village to be responsible for the electric bill only, Councilman Hopple seconded. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.

Public Safety: None.

Streets & Properties: Councilman Beamer reported a majority of the properties he mentioned at the last meeting were mowed. There is still one on E. Tiffin and Seneca St. that need mowed. Council directed Fiscal Officer Hatfield to send notice to the residents.

Parks: None.

Trees: None.

Fire: None.

EMS: None.

Cemetery: None.

Personnel: None.

Zoning Commission: The Mayor reported he is working on a couple of fence permits.

Finance and rule: Cash balance: $1,511,107.84 All funds include CDs and reserved or restricted funds, and debt reserve funds. May Bank reconciliation was presented for approval.

Water & Sewer: Councilman Beamer stated he was down at the water plant a few weeks ago to ask Dakota and Trevor about flushing out by the school which results in dumping about 30,000 gallons every two weeks. They devised a plan to start testing the water prior to flushing prior. Councilman Beamer also suggested to have the fire department use the flushing as a training experience to add value to the water wasted. The Mayor stated they have also been using quite a bit of water to water the football field due to the lack of rain. Councilman Stanfield stated there are some records down there that would allow them to calculate what they are using to estimate what part of the 18 million leaking gallons are part of flushing. The Mayor stated there had been a 4-inch watermain break south of town on Sunday. RA Bores replaced about 25 foot of pipe. That pipe was manufactured in the WWII error. On Monday there was a service valve north of town that broke. RA Bores had to come in and replace the valve at the curb stop. Councilman Stanfield argued the need to better estimate how much water is being lost during these events, stating we need to find out what water we can recover to charge for. Councilman Beamer stated it is his understanding that water personnel will check the tower before heading into work.

Councilman Beamer stated Makeever and Associates is working on a planning and design loan to look into our options as required by the EPA. This process will look into the costs of keeping our plant as well as the cost to regionalize and whichever option will be most cost effective. The EPA will fund whichever option is cheaper. After the planning loan, the Village can apply for an engineering loan. The Village may have the option of debt forgiveness in the end. Councilman Beamer also stated RCAP is working on assisting the Village with an asset management plan. Councilman Stanfield doesn’t believe the Village needs the planning loan or the study. He is of the opinion we should be able to request the tap fee from Willard and decide based off of that. Councilman Beamer replied to Councilman Stanfield, “You are saying we need to make a decision based off who is selling us a product as opposed to doing our own independent study?”

Fiscal Officer Hatfield stated she talked to Jeret H, one of the Village’s backup operators, he wants to be paid for his certification pay for 2023. He led her to believe he will be less likely to show up when we need him if we don’t pay these certification pays. She asked Council’s opinion. Councilman Beamer said he thinks we need to do whatever is in the handbook.

Village Website & IT: none.

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business: Councilman Hopple reported he reached out to ODOT representative, Dylan Forks, about the speed limit sign discussed at the last meeting. ODOT said it is our responsibility to move it. Mayor Frisch stated Dakota reported he already had a stake in the ground. Councilman Hopple was asked if the dumpsite was for public use to which the Mayor stated no. Councilman Hopple then asked about a stop sign around 201 S. Main St. that is twisted. Hopple also reported a pothole around 113 S. Main. The Mayor replied we are not to repair the surface on route 4. ODOT plans to repave route 4 soon.

Next meeting: Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 7:30 PM.                                                        

Motion by Councilman Hopple, seconded by Councilman Beamer to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:27 PM. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.