Mayor Nathan Frisch called the October 13, 2022 Village of Attica Council regular meeting to order at 7:40 PM.
Roll Call: Tim Bulger, Kirk Stanfield, Louis Sanders, Lynn Love
Others Present: Billing Clerk, Robin Bulger; Solicitor, Heather Heyman Niedermeier

Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Sanders to approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Love to approve the minutes. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: None

Public Safety: None

Streets & Properties: Councilman Bulger stated he noticed at the corner of Lemmon and N. Main that the sewer grate was plugged again. Billing Clerk Bulger let Council know that Roxie Bates left a note on her water bill stating there is a tree in front of her place on the corner of N. Liberty and Lemmon that needs taken down.

Parks: Councilman Love spoke to Tim Bowerman about storing the bleachers until we are able to assemble them. Mayor Frisch let Council know he plans to install the new basketball backboard on Friday, October 14th. He went on to discuss the pool. Personnel found a hole in the chlorine tank. Mayor Frisch went on to explain that several years again the Village received a cost to replace the chlorine tank and the cost was roughly $26,000 at that time. The Mayor requested Council continue to think about how they are going to handle the pool.

Trees: None

Fire: Councilman Bulger reported the committee met and paid bills.

EMS: Councilman Love reported there was a meeting held at the high school last week. About 45 citizens attended to ask questions. Councilman Love reported the dialogue between the board and residents was encouraging. Councilman Love announced there would be another “town hall” meeting on October 22 at 10 am in New Riegel to give residents in that area the opportunity to ask questions.

Cemetery: Councilman Sanders stated the committee met recently. The cemetery is experiencing issues with water causing graves to cave in. They are going to install tile to try to mitigate the issue. The mausoleum needs expensive repairs. The committee thought they were going to receive a grant last year, but they did not.

Personnel: Councilman Bulger let Council know Heather had the personnel handbook updated with Council’s requests. Heather suggestion Council review the handbook before passing. Council discussed removing sick leave payout from the handbook for anyone who quits, is terminated, or their position is abolished. The sick leave payout upon retirement will be consistent with the Ohio Revised Code and 25% will be paid out.

Councilman Bulger moved to go into executive session at 8 p.m. to discussion personnel, Councilman Love seconded. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Councilman Bulger moved to exit executive session, Councilman Sanders seconded. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Upon returning from executive session, Councilman Bulger moved to hire Alyssa Mason at a rate of $13.00 per hour as billing clerk effective 10/14/2022, Councilman Love seconded. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Councilman Love moved to retain Robin Bulger as billing clerk to train the new billing clerk, Councilman Sanders seconded. Vote: 2-1 with Councilman Stanfield voting no and Councilman Bulger abstaining. Motion carried.

Councilman Love stated she would like to see timeclocks put in for village personnel. Councilman Bulger stated he doesn’t see a problem with it. Councilman Sanders suggested obtaining prices and they could go from there.

Zoning Commission: None

Finance and rule: Cash balance: $1,477,178.35 All funds includes CDs and reserved or restricted funds, and debt reserve funds. The bank reconciliation was presented for Council’s review.

RES 2022-14 A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the County Budget Commission

Councilman Sanders moved to suspend the three-read rule on RES 2022-14, Councilman Bulger seconded. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Councilman Sanders moved to declare RES 2022-14 an emergency, Councilman Love seconded. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Councilman Sanders moved to adopt RES 2022-14, Councilman Love seconded. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Water & Sewer: The Solicitor discussed her concerns related to drafting the bid specifications for the sale of the water system. She suggested checking with Gary or a professional. She explained that bid packages she has reviewed are over one hundred pages and very specific to the system. Councilman Sanders asked if we should hire someone. Heather said that was her initial thought. Heather explained that the Village would be liable if the bid specifications did not include all of the pertinent information.

Village Website & IT: none

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business:

Mayor Frisch requested to enter into executive session at 8:50 p.m. to discussion possible litigation. He requested Councilman Stanfield to exit meeting chambers.

Councilman Sanders moved to exit executive session, Councilman Bulger seconded. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.

Next meeting: Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 7:30 PM.

Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Love to adjourn the meeting. Time: 9:00 PM. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.