Mayor Nathan Frisch called the July 14, 2022 Village of Attica Council regular meeting to order at 7:36 PM.
Roll Call: Tim Bulger, Kirk Stanfield, Lynn Love, Ed Beamer
Others Present: Joyce Beagle, Ron Ellis, Boy Scout Troop members

Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Beamer to approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Beamer to approve the minutes. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: Joyce Beagle is a landlord in the Village. She has tried to call the billing clerk twice and was unable to reach anyone. She then went on to ask if the Village had any regulations on swimming pools. Members of the local Boy Scout troop were in attendance to observe the meeting. John Ellis was also present concerning his inability to reach someone at the billing office. He filled his pool recently and wanted to get the proper sewer credit.

Public Safety: none

Streets & Properties: none

Parks: Seneca County Park District was present to present the Village with a grant award of $8,000 to go towards the purchase of bleachers in Myers Park. Councilman Love requested council approve the additional $2685 needed to purchase the bleachers by way of a motion, seconded by Councilman Bulger. Vote:4-0. Motion carried.

Mayor Frisch requested council consider covering the cost to replace a broken basketball backboard in the park. The replacement cost is $978. FO Hatfield did check on replacing through liability insurance but the deductible is $1000. Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Beamer to approve the purchase of the replacement backboard. Vote:4-0. Motion carried. There was some discussion about placing a security camera in a location to keep a watch on the basketball court.

First read of RES 2022-8: TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION FOR PROVIDING PARK OPERATION. Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Bulger to suspend the three-read rule. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Bulger to declare an emergency on RES 2022-8. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Bulger to adopt RES 2022-8. Vote:4-0. Motion carried.

Trees: Councilman Beamer said he received an email from the FO. He said the email pertains to a tree they are planning to take down this year. He plans to contact the concerned party.

Fire: Councilman Bulger stated there is a meeting next week.

EMS: Next meeting 27th of July. Councilman Love did attend a Joint Ambulance District meeting where they had the second read of a resolution to place a 2.5 mil levy on the ballot in November. Adams, Bloom, Jackson, Liberty, Pleasant, Attica, Bettsville, Seneca, Eden, Venice, Reed, Bloomville, Scipo, New Riegel, and Big Springs have all opted in.

Cemetery: None

Personnel: Personnel Handbook – Councilman Bulger stated he would like to get with Heather to make the requested changes related to sick leave payout. Councilman Beamer requested they consider language that puts stipulations on comp time payout. Councilman Beamer also thought they should consider language that stipulates how much sick time can be accumulated. Councilman Bulger did request consideration of a sick leave form in the personnel handbook. Councilman Love said she requested the ORC language related to comp time payout from the Solicitor. She did receive information back, but didn’t have the chance to disseminate it yet. The Personnel Committee conducted two interviews for the billing clerk. Councilman Love and Bulger hoped to conduct one more round of interviews before hiring. Councilman Beamer made a motion to rehire Solicitor, Heather Niedermeier, for another 2-year term, Councilman Bulger seconded with Councilman Stanfield abstaining. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.


Zoning Commission: none

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $1,568,855.27

All funds includes CDs and reserved or restricted funds, and debt reserve funds. June bank reconciliation and utility adjustments were presented. FO Hatfield requested council consider the PEP policy renewal in the amount $48,881.00. Councilman Stanfield asked how much the cost increased from last year. FO Hatfield stated the cost was around $42,000 last year. Councilman Bulger made a motion to approve the payment in the amount of $48,881, Councilman Beamer seconded. Vote 3-1 Councilman Stanfield voted NO due to the increase in price. Motion carried.

FO Hatfield let council know the State Auditor’s Office asked if they were interested in a contract extension with Perry and Associates for audit services. Council would prefer to have a set price before agreeing to go forward. FO Hatfield will follow up.

Water & Sewer: Councilman Love let Council know that Michelle suggested they consider waiving penalties since the Post Office is closed. They discussed the idea briefly. Councilman Love will reach back out to Michelle for suggestions on how to handle. Councilman Beamer did speak with Aqua on June 30th. Aqua would be interested in keeping Village employees. Council would have to consider all of the equipment at the water plant and who would keep what according to Councilman Beamer. Councilman Love asked if it would be possible to get a rate schedule in the future. Councilman Beamer said he thought in would be similar to the rate schedule now with a 3% increase. Councilman Love asked if the Village could apply for reduced staffing at the water plant to help Gary.

Village Website & IT: none

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business: FO Hatfield asked who would be willing to help pick up the mail in New Washington for the time being. Councilman Love volunteered.

Next meeting: Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 7:30 PM

Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Beamer to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:20 PM. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.