Mayor Nathan Frisch called the June 23, 2022 Village of Attica Council regular meeting to order at 7:43 PM.
Roll Call: Tim Bulger, Kirk Stanfield, Lynn Love, Ed Beamer, Louis Sanders
Others Present: Solicitor Heather Heyman, Citizen Tony Wurm

Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Beamer to approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Beamer, seconded by Councilman Love to approve the minutes. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: Tony Wurm was present to ask if the Village had any concerns or plans to address the legislative changes related to fireworks. Mayor Frisch explained at this time the Village has nothing in place. Solicitor Heyman did state the Village does have the ability to enact legislation. Mr. Wurm then asked whether a noise ordinance could be used to prevent the detonation of fireworks. The Solicitor explained there is no case law currently, but she didn’t think that approach would work since the State has created the legislation allowing detonation. Councilman Stanfield requested an itemization of his water bill. The Solicitor suggested Councilman Stanfield get with the Utility Clerk to get his bill itemization.

Public Safety: none

Streets & Properties: Councilman Sanders had a complaint from a citizen about various sewer grates in town, specifically on W. Tiffin St. The grates are wide enough for bike tires to slip into potentially causing an accident. He asked if they could be turned.

Parks: none

Trees: Councilman Beamer said he received an email from Stephanie with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. She provided a cost estimator for tree removal.

Fire: Councilman Bulger stated Councilman Love attended the meeting and let him know they only paid bills.

EMS: Third reading of RES 2022-6 creating the Seneca County Joint Ambulance District: Motion by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Sanders to approve. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

Cemetery: Meeting held. They had a visit from Judy Gled. She has concerns about headstones that are being tipped over and water laying in low spots. Councilman Sanders stated it would take a lot of money to repair the stones, but they don’t have the money. They plan to deal with pooling water by filling in the low spots with dirt.

Personnel: Personnel Handbook – Councilman Beamer asked about the sick time language in the proposed handbook. The language in question is as follows: Shall be paid at 30 % of current pay, but not more than 30 days. Councilman Beamer suggested changing it to say: 30% of the employee’s accrued sick leave balance for a maximum of 30 days.


Zoning Commission: none

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $ $1,491,170.58

All funds includes CDs and reserved or restricted funds, and debt reserve funds.

Water & Sewer: Councilman Beamer spoke with rep from Aqua. He was looking to reconnect with them on June 30th, 2022. They are interested in both water and sewer.

Village Website & IT: none

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business:

Councilman Beamer asked about the Village’s liability related to Council members coming in Village Hall after hours. Solicitor Heyman initially didn’t foresee any issues, but said she would think about it.

Next meeting: Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 7:30 PM

Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Beamer to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:20 PM. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.