Mayor Nathan Frisch called the May 26, 2022 Village of Attica Council regular meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

Roll Call: Tim Bulger, Kirk Stanfield, Lynn Love, Ed Beamer, Louis Saunders

Others Present: Heather Heyman

Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Beamer to approve the warrants for payment. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Love to approve the minutes. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: none

Public Safety: none

Streets & Properties: FO Hatfield made Council aware of United Way’s Event- Cleaning Our Villages the United Way. Councilman Stanfield made council aware of a low spot/ pothole in front of his house. He stated he has had 3 neighbors complain to him about it, as well. Councilman Stanfield also inquired about the dumpsite. He wondered if it would be possible to have the general laborers do curbside pickup of waste that belongs at the composite site. Councilman Beamer asked about North Woodwind Drive. Councilman Saunders stated it should be fixed as of today. Councilman Beamer stated he received an email from the billing clerk concerning snowplow damages to a citizen’s mailbox. Councilman Beamer did take a look at the mailbox and discussed the situation with Gary. The two of them concluded that the Village could easily make the repairs necessary to appease the citizen.

Parks: Councilman Love stated Tracey Border text her requesting a trash can at the softball field. After discussion, Councilman Love is going to check the pool for a spare trash can.

FO Hatfield advised Council that Seneca County would require a plan review to open the pool this year or in the future.

Trees: Councilman Beamer met with Stephanie from ODNR May 25th. They concluded there are five trees that need to come down immediately; one on W Tiffin St., one on N. Main, and one on N. Liberty. There are two on Eden St. Stephanie also identified an invasive species of tree. She also pointed out a tree by the bleachers in the school park that was high risk. Councilman Beamer asked which account would be appropriate to cover the expense. Stephanie is supposed to email Councilman Beamer a sample bid packet for removal and pruning. She did state there is grant money available, but you have to have a tree commission, a tree training class, $2 per capita, and be using a certified arborist.

Councilman Beamer also said there is a tree on Main St. he believes AEP will take down.

Fire: Councilman Bulger reported: 26 calls Fire and Ems in April, 1 in the village,

EMS: Councilman Love reported there was a meeting in Tiffin on 5/25. Brett Myers requested Councilman Love present an article about a fire siren. Jennifer Hill was hired as a coordinator, next they

will be hiring an assistant coordinator. Councilman Love talked about Resolution 2022-6 which would allow Attica to legally form a committee in reference to hiring a fiscal officer and getting the joint ambulance district on the ballot. May 19 was the last meeting. 2.5 mils which would generate

$1,627,720, currently paying $1,540,000, the proposal is for a continuous levy. Councilman Love stated no one in Republic is in opposition to bringing the station a mile and a half east. Vanguard Sentinel is starting a fire and ems program in 2023. Councilman Love stated the resolution needs to be passed by August 2nd to be put on the ballot.


Cemetery: none

Personnel: FO Gullett encouraged council to discuss the handbook before voting on it. Councilman Bulger requested anyone wishing to discuss the handbook to contact him. FO Gullett also reminded council of the templates offered through PEP’s website.

Zoning Commission: none

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $ 1,492,427.02. All funds includes CDs and reserved or restricted funds, and debt reserve funds.

Water & Sewer: Councilman Beamer stated he spoke to Sean at Rural Water. They are requesting revenue and expenses for water and wastewater. Sean also asked if there are any improvements necessary. Rural Water also wants to know if we have any outstanding water violations. Aqua let Mayor Frisch know they have a meeting scheduled and plan to have us something soon. Councilman Beamer shared that Gary plans to retire in August. Councilman Love asked if Gary’s position should be posted. Councilman Beamer offered to reach out to Rural Water to consider a contract operator.

Village Website & IT: none

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business: open and close sign has been ordered. Councilman Love asked if we received the bill for the water treatment plant going down, FO Gullett stated yes, it is the invoice from Control Associates.

Next meeting: Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 7:30 PM

Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Love to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:39 PM. Vote: 5-0. Motion carried.