Mayor Nathan Frisch called the February 24, 2022 Village of Attica Council regular meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
Roll Call: Tim Bulger, Louie Sanders, Kirk Stanfield, Lynn Love
Others Present: Solicitor Heather Neidermeier Heyman

Approval of Warrants: No warrants presented. FO Gullett was out, due to illness.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Sanders to approve the minutes. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Written & Oral Communication: Resident Ed Beamer was present to say that he did get his previous questions about his water bill answered, but he may have a few more. Mayor Frisch also followed up on Beamer’s previous concern about water running on Liberty Street. It is a sump pump and not a leak.

Public Safety: none

Streets & Properties: Councilman Bulger stated that he is noticing more potholes appearing as the snow clears up. Bulger also noted that he has noticed quite a few residences who are not clearing their sidewalks when it snows. He would like to see the community take care of the walks they are responsible for when it snows.

Parks: Councilman Love reported that she has obtained two quotes for new bleachers at the park. This will be part of a Community Parks Grant application.

Councilman Stanfield inquired what it would take to know if the pool would be operational. He feels that the community would want the pool open but is not interested in taking on a project to find out community interest or sourcing someone who can inspect the pool if Gary can’t. Mayor Frisch advised that it would have to be during warmer weather when equipment can be inspected and water would need to go in the pool to see if it has any leaks. Councilman Love stated that she would rather not see the pool open only to operate at such a big loss due to lack of attendance. Love also asked that if Councilman Stanfield wanted to take the project on, that he have better participation in his role as Councilman and be more than just a vote at a meeting. No decisions on pool operations for 2022 were made.

Trees: none

Fire: Councilman Bulger reported: had meeting, paid bills; 21 total calls; AVR would like to give a big thanks to the Village employee who plowed the way for a rescue call on Ash during the snow storm.

EMS: Councilman Love reported: board meeting on 3/3 to discuss details of the merger and proposed resolution that was passed earlier. She would like to see some more solid numbers before asking for support of the resolution and levy. The numbers have fluctuated too much up until now.

Cemetery: none

Personnel: Councilman Love stated an executive session would be needed during the meeting to discuss personnel and hiring.


Zoning Commission: none

Finance & Rule: Cash balance of all funds $ 1,400,183.34. All funds includes CDs and reserved or restricted funds, and debt reserve funds.

Water & Sewer: Mayor Frisch announced that Sheryl (billing clerk) will be on vacation next week, but Becky (trainee) will be working Tue & Wed 9a-1p, and Fri 12-4 for payments and basics.

Resident Ed Beamer inquired on the status of talks with Rural Water. Mayor Frisch advised that at this time, they have requested some further information, and we are supplying them with that information. It was asked how long this process has been going on and noted that it’s been at least 1-2 years. No interested party has made a formal offer or official interest yet.

Councilman Stanfield read from an article in the paper that help is available for those struggling with utility bills. They need to contact Great Lakes Community Action Partnership for more information.

Village Website & IT: FO Gullett is still coordinating training with former Councilman Yakoubian on the website.

Unfinished, Old Business and New Business:

Motion by: Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Sanders to enter into executive session at 8:02pm to discuss personnel matters of hiring a water/sewer applicant of interest. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Motion by: Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Love to exit executive session at 8:15pm. Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.

Councilman Love expressed her thanks for Gary and Dakota and the effort they put in with plowing and keeping the water plant running during the recent snow storm.

Resident Ed Beamer stated that he is no longer interested in a seat on Council, because he cannot promise the time it requires with his other obligations. He did, however, state that he would be happy to volunteer for things where it is allowed and available. Mayor Frisch stated there are a couple candidates with interest in filling the vacant seats.

Next meeting: Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 7:30 PM

Motion by Councilman Bulger, seconded by Councilman Sanders to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:20 PM. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.